Become Our Partner

Is your premium finance experience simple and fast? Are your clients able to make payments and get customer support painlessly? If the answer is no, we can help. Read on to learn how we're changing the game in premium finance.

Work with Agile

The Benefits of Working with Agile Premium Finance

  • Faster Commissions

    We’ve automated the commissions process, giving you the ability to review commissions data quickly and simply, and we put those funds in your hands each month in timely fashion.

  • Customization

    With Agile, you can customize rates and terms across the different types of business you write. In fact, you can customize virtually every aspect of the premium finance experience.

  • Omni-Channel Support

    Engage with Agile on your terms and on your time - via phone, email, or even text message.

  • Better User Experience

    Accomplish the things you do every day, quoting and generating finance contracts, in a matter of a few clicks.

  • Improved Experience For Your Customers

    We’re making life easier for your clients, including simple/fast password resets, better data reporting and streamlined payments.

  • Mobile

    Use our Agile App to accomplish anything related to premium finance on your phone in a matter of moments.

Hear It From Our Partners.

We wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for the support and partnerships we've built with our Agency partners. Our mission is to deliver best in class customer service to our Agents and their customers, develop innovative technology advancements, as well as offer convenient and efficient financial products.

Contact Us
Over the past several years PFB has been approached by a number of premium finance companies that have wanted to partner with us. We have a very thorough and extensive process that we go through before entering into a new relationship. We made the decision to partner with Agile based on our long term relationship with their senior management team.

From our experience we knew they would share our same values of honesty, integrity and trustworthiness. They’ve quickly grown into our most reliable and strongest partner. With Agile’s help we’ve become the largest aggregator of property & casualty premium financing in the nation. Stewart Sheppard, Managing Partner, Premium Finance Brokerage, LLC