It’s Time to Inno­vate in Pre­mium Finance.

We’ve given a lot of thought toward making premium finance better for everyone. And that’s precisely what we’re doing at Agile. We’re building new technologies that will make life easier for everyone who touches the premium finance industry, from carriers and agents to the insured.

Agile Solutions

Have you given thought to your premium finance experience today? Is your experience simple and fast? Are your clients able to make payments and get customer support painlessly? If not, let’s talk and we’ll show you how we’re changing the game:

  • Agent Commissions

    We’ve automated the commissions process, giving you the ability to review commissions data quickly and simply, and we put those funds in your hands each month in timely fashion.

  • Customization

    With Agile, agents can customize rates and terms across the different types of business they write. Our tech platform enables agents to customize virtually every aspect of the premium finance experience, minimizing clicks and keystrokes and maximizing productivity.

  • Omni-Channel Support

    Support and communication are critical aspects of customer engagement that apply to both the agent and the insured. With all the options available today, you should be able to engage your premium finance company on your terms and on your time - via phone, email, or even text message.

  • Agent User Experience

    Cumbersome user experience is a thing of the past. With Agile, you can accomplish the things you do every day, quoting and generating finance contracts, in a matter of a few clicks.

  • Insured User Experience

    We’re making life easier for the end users of our premium finance products, including simple/fast password resets, better data reporting and streamlined payments. There’s no reason for our insureds to use anything other than their favorite method when it comes to their premium finance payments.

  • Mobile

    We welcome you to use our Agile App to accomplish anything related to premium finance on your phone in a matter of moments - just as easily as you could on your computer or tablet.

Easy payment options to make your next installment payment

For Insured

An innovative and progressive organization ready to assist you and your clients

For Agents